I wanted to take a minute to personally thank the guys who organized, and for all of those who played in Liam's benefit hockey tournament this past weekend at Inman Sports Arena in NJ. Your thoughtfulness and generosity touched us deeply and we are once again humbled by the efforts of friends and strangers alike. We wish Liam would have been able to be present but his low white counts did not allow us to be out in public. Thank you to all of my teammates from the Heat and a special thanks to Inman arena for the use of their facility and coordination of the tournament.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wednesday Morning - Thank You
I wanted to take a minute to personally thank the guys who organized, and for all of those who played in Liam's benefit hockey tournament this past weekend at Inman Sports Arena in NJ. Your thoughtfulness and generosity touched us deeply and we are once again humbled by the efforts of friends and strangers alike. We wish Liam would have been able to be present but his low white counts did not allow us to be out in public. Thank you to all of my teammates from the Heat and a special thanks to Inman arena for the use of their facility and coordination of the tournament.