Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good-night, Sweet Prince.

Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

It is with shattered hearts that we share the news of the end of Liam’s brave and epic journey. Our dearest Prince could simply fight no more as his enemy had grown in size and strength. He fought fearlessly and relentlessly for 4 years. On Monday January 24th at around 4:00 in the afternoon, Liam passed peacefully in our arms. I have sat here for nearly an hour trying to share with you the profound sense of loss we feel but I cannot find the right words. Liam was the drum by which our family’s heart beat and today the drum is painfully silent. Our heart is broken and with it the ability to rationalize the rush of feelings that surround us.

Scan results from just a week ago were not as hoped but we never expected that just 6 days later would be the end of our physical time together. Liam touched people’s lives in such profound ways that we know he will live on in the hearts of many. A wonderful Memorial service and Celebration of Liam is being planned for Monday, February 14th at 2:30pm at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 135 W 31st Street, New York City. The most perfect day to pay tribute to the brave prince and to celebrate what Liam gave so freely…Love. If you are planning to attend Liam’s services, please RSVP to

In lieu of flowers, we request you honor Liam’s love and life by making a donation to the organization he inspired us to create, Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, through a special online giving page we have set up in his honor -

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