Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday Night March 29th Update

Too tired physically and emotionally to write, but lots of amazing stories to tell. Liam will likely be back in the hospital in the next 24 – 72 hours until his blood counts come up. It could be a few days or a few weeks. He's at 0 white blood cells but still going. (You'd never know if you saw him.) I'll leave you with this image – Liam dancing to "Man I feel like a Woman," as it was performed by a group from a local high school. (He was the only child in the audience bold enough to go up to the front to dance.) He quickly moved from dancing to insisting on playing the drums which were infinitely more interesting to him. And another quick snippet…Liam telling me "I'm OK Mommy – stickies are all gone" to avoid a dressing change. Dressings, the protective layer of gauze and bandages covering the central line in his chest, need to be changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He HATES to have his dressings changed and it takes three people to assist the process. I hate dressing changes…maybe even more so than Liam. He'll forget them and eventually will have no memory of this experience. I, on the other hand, will never forget the sights, the smells and certainly not the sounds.


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